First of all, we practitioners at LA Herbs and Acupuncture do not treat cancer, neither see acupuncture as replacement for modern medical treatments, but we envision our program as an adjunct intervention for helping patients suffering from cancer related ailments and various side effects that commonly occur during and after cancer therapies.
Treatments are only $40 per visit*
Please call to speak with a practitioner if you have questions: 310-492-5185
*We do not provide insurance billing for the low-cost cancer program, but we will provide patients with a superbill to submit to their insurer.
Why acupuncture?
Acupuncture is viable, effective, safe and well-tolerated procedure. This is particularly important for patients undergoing chemo or radiation therapy who are already exposed to highly toxic drugs and procedures. Acupuncture is non-pharmaceutical treatment without any side effects of its own and it does not increase chemical burden on the body. It is practically risk free procedure when performed by trained and licensed practitioners. We are big believers in integrative, evidence-based oncology that keeps finding ever more important role for acupuncture in cancer symptoms management. The most recent review study “Acupuncture: Could it become everyday practice in oncology” summarizes its findings: “The present available evidence suggests that acupuncture may become safe, low-cost and efficient complementary therapy in modern oncology” (Killian-Kita, Puskulluoglu, Konopka and Krzemieniecki, 2016).
See: Acupuncture for Mesothelioma article
Nausea and chemotherapy induced vomiting
Nausea is one of the most feared and the third most common side effects of cancer therapies. The reported fact is that only one fourth cancer patients who suffered from nausea found that antiemetic drugs helped them. Of all the research currently available on acupuncture and cancer, there is the strongest, undeniable evidence that acupuncture can significantly benefit cancer patients suffering from nausea and vomiting.
Peripheral neuropathies
More than 50% of patients receiving various chemotherapy agents like platinums, vinca alkaloids or taxanes suffer from “pins and needles” sensation in the extremities, pain and loss of sensory feeling. These effects can significantly reduce patients quality of life, reduce mobility and dexterity. Some studies showed significant improvement after series of acupuncture treatment. Some peripheral neuropathies are reversible: The majority of patients undergoing oxaliplatin chemotherapy recover within 6 to 12 months, but acupuncture cab reduce recovery time to only 6 weeks.
Dry mouth is common side effect of the radiation therapy. Two out of four studies showed that acupuncture could increase saliva production and reduce the incidence of mouth dryness and severity of symptoms.
Psychological symptoms and quality of life
Almost 80% of cancer patients and about 60% of cancer survivors experience problems with poor sleep quality. There is encouraging evidence that acupuncture can help with cancer related sleep disturbance and with other psychological issues common in cancer patients like depression and anxiety. Study on advanced ovarian and breast cancer patients found that 97% of participants involved reported that acupuncture helped with their overall sense of well-being. This improvement in quality of life continued even one moth after the completion of acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture shows analgesic effect for stomach cancer pain, metastatic bone pain and visceral cancer related pain.
Lung cancer patients with difficulty breathing reported improvement in fatigue at the end of acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture might reduce severity of hot flushes due to cancer treatments.
Acupuncture is good option according to recent study for postoperative breast cancer patients. The study showed that it decreases anxiety, muscular tension and pain in patients after breast cancer surgery.
Why low cost acupuncture?
People going through cancer treatments and their families in this country are often under heavy financial burden due to lack of regular income and cost of treatments. We do not want acupuncture to be additional cause of stress, but a positive healing force. Acupuncture in integrative cancer management works the best in series of visits, rather then sporadic treatments. Our intention is to through the affordable pricing to encourage patients to stick with the acupuncture treatment series for the full therapeutic effect.
We are aware that acupuncture is underutilized in modern integrative oncology. Our mission is to educate more cancer patients, oncologist and fellow acupuncturist of its benefits in cancer treatments.
What about caregivers?
There is a strong correlation between cancer patients state of health and caregivers well being. We strongly believe that relationship is two ways; caregiver’s optimism and sense of wellbeing can only benefit patients coping with cancer. This is why we decided to extend our low cost offer to our patient’s caregivers, to enhance the odds for effective treatment and as a token of appreciation for people who sacrifice a lot to help cancer patients in their daily lives.
- Bauml, J., Haas, A., Simone, C. B., Li, S. Q., Cohen, R. B., Langer, C. J., & Mao, J. J. (2016). Acupuncture for Dyspnea in Lung Cancer Results of a Feasibility Trial. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 15(3), 326–332.
- Dean-Clower, E., Doherty-Gilman, A. M., Keshaviah, A., Baker, F., Kaw, C., Lu, W., … Rosenthal, D. S. (2010). Acupuncture as Palliative Therapy for Physical Symptoms and Quality of Life for Advanced Cancer Patients. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 9(2), 158–167.
- Donald, G. K., Tobin, I., & Stringer, J. (2011). Evaluation of acupuncture in the management of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Acupuncture in Medicine, 29(3), 230–233.
- Enblom, A., Axelsson, B. B., Steineck, G., Hammar, M., & Börjeson, S. (2008). One third of patients with radiotherapy-induced nausea consider their antiemetic treatment insufficient. Supportive Care in Cancer, 17(1), 23. ht
- Garcia, M. K., McQuade, J., Haddad, R., Patel, S., Lee, R., Yang, P., … Cohen, L. (2013). Systematic Review of Acupuncture in Cancer Care: A Synthesis of the Evidence. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(7), 952–960.
- Haddad, N. E., & Palesh, O. (2014). Acupuncture in the Treatment of Cancer-Related Psychological Symptoms. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 13(5), 371–385.
- Kilian-Kita, A., Puskulluoglu, M., Konopka, K., & Krzemieniecki, K. (2016). Acupuncture: could it become everyday practice in oncology? Contemporary Oncology, 20(2), 119–123.
- Kurtz, M. E., Kurtz, J. C., Given, C. W., & Given, B. (1995). Relationship of caregiver reactions and depression to cancer patients’ symptoms, functional states and depression–a longitudinal view. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 40(6), 837–846.
- Mallory, M. J., Croghan, K. A., Sandhu, N. P., Lemaine, V., Degnim, A. C., Bauer, B. A., … Croghan, I. T. (2015). Acupuncture in the postoperative setting for breast cancer patients: a feasibility study. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 43(1), 45–56.
- Standish, L. J., Kozak, L., & Congdon, S. (2008). Acupuncture is underutilized in hospice and palliative medicine. The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, 25(4), 298–308.
- Tao, W., Luo, X., Cui, B., Liang, D., Wang, C., Duan, Y., … Liu, Q. (2015). Practice of traditional Chinese medicine for psycho-behavioral intervention improves quality of life in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget, 6(37), 39725–39739.